空乘艺考空姐英语面试问题及答案_空乘专业招生 - 艺考招生网

艺考空乘 2023-03-20 11 0


1、Can you work under pressure?or Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?


Yes, I can! Because when I was in college, I served as the vice minister of the sports department. And there are a lot of activities which are held by the sports department. So I have accustomed to working under strong pressure. I am most impressed that the school sports meeting,which is one of the most large-scale activities in my college, basically it is made arrangements by the sports department from start to finish. It includes many details, Such as arranging the location of each class, arranging the order of admission to the opening ceremony,arranging the time of every kind of competitions and so on. So I believe I can .

2、What is your greatest strength? What are your assets?


My biggest advantages are my strong will and endurance to the things I like, OF course, they are not natural. I was a long-distance runner in the past. And while I was running in the runway, no matter how tired I was, I would never stop running I would tell to myself that I can not stop. If I stop, I will be a real loser. On the contrast, if I insist on running to finish the competition, even though I am the last runner to across the finish line, I will still fell proud of myself. Because I won myself.

3、What is your greatest weakness?


My biggest drawback is that I am a little stubborn. I am always insisting on my own opinion. I will not consider other s advice until I found that I run against the wall.. But because of my stubbornness, I become a person who have strong will and indomitable character.

4、What have you done to correct your weaknesses?我想我会在做每件事情之前,好好斟酌身边的人给我的意见,来找到一个最好的解决方法。

At present, I will consider the advice which is given by the people around me first and find the best way to solve the problems.

5、Have you ever failed?


In fact, I was growing up accompanied by the failures. It is failures which leads me to success. Only after the mistakes, I can understand the right things better. I have always thought that it was not good if one s life always goes well. An easy life can lead people to become fragile and vulnerable, so failure is one of the most important teachers in my life.

6、 What is your biggest failure?


My biggest failure was that I was too confident to succeed. When I was in the middle school, all the students was preparing for the final exam. I also managed to reviewing all the courses. But I reviewed in my own way and ignored the importance which is given by my teachers. So I got a bad result in the exam. This bad result hit me greatly which made me know that I should regard other s experience as the sun which can take me to the brightness.

7、How do you handle failure?


At present, I have learned how to face failures. I will adjust my attitude well when facing failures. I should regard the failures as a further step to the success. And find the reasons for failures to make sure that I will not make the same mistake any more.

8、How do you handle change?



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